Rainbow-powered Imperial death machine perfectly scaledto amble across your desk.
AT-AT walker lamp
- The perfect thing for the desk of any Commander of the Galactic Empire wanting to commemorate their victory on Hoth!
this Imperial forces devastating AT-AT walker engraved into 6mm acrylic lit with a string of multicoloured LEDs. The lamp produces a soft glow highlighting all the engraved areas. He is 10cm tall and 10cm wide standing on a 4x5x10cm bamboo base.
The lamp can be powered from any USB port or the provided wall plug. The plug has UK, US, EU and Australian pin configurations. It has extremely low power consumption so you won't feel bad about leaving it on and the LED lights will never need replacing. It is perfect for lighting children's or babies rooms, as a security light in the hall and other common areas of the house or on your office desk as a talking piece.
On the back there is a power jack and a knob to control the light as follows: Turned all the way to the right the light is off, turning the knob to the left first selects rainbow mode that will slowly fade between all the colours of the rainbow. Keep turning it to manually sweep through all the colours. When the knob is all the way to the left it will shine white.
Here is a Youtube video of one of my other lamps in rainbow mode.
As all items are handmade to order, I can customise any aspect of the lights for you. If you would like to add a name or phrase to the box or the light itself or have something made with a different character/image (or maybe you just don't like a particular colour and I can take it out!) then please contact me so I can design it for you.
My lamps are all powered by an Arduino pro mini. I usually seal the boxes shut but if you contact me then I can make it so that the programming pins are accessible. Here is a post on my website about these